Friday, November 13, 2015

Fairytale Almost Real

I awoke Wednesday morning from a delightful dream. As many are aware, I am quite the fan of ABC's "Once Upon A Time."

That being said, I dreamt that I was frolicking through the Enchanted Forest donning an identical dress to Regina's in the current season 5: scarlet with gold trim. I hadn't a care in the world. Kicking up the hem of my adornment borrowed straight from Camelot, I laughed and shrieked as I leaped over rocks, fallen trees, through low-hanging branches, hugging bark tightly in my fingertips when I'd abruptly decide to change directions. I never ran out of breath, but my heart pounded rapidly in pure jubilation.

I haven't had a good dream in upwards of two years. It's been all nightmares, or nothing at all. I'd certainly call this an answer to prayer and hope for a new direction.

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