Friday, April 4, 2014

Much Accomplished= Much Twinkling Smiles

 I'm getting married soon. 43 days, 13 hours, and 37 minutes to be exact. Yes, it's quite exciting, but right now I'll be honest and say that I will cry Niagra Falls worth of happy tears when it's all over: the planning, the deadlines, the people who never return my phone calls... I won't miss those things.
I will admit that I internally screamed a cry of horrific relief (horrific for the imaginary bystanders caught off guard by the sudden, murderous shrill) after much productivity today and now feel like a limp noodle. My wedding to do list is steadily shrinking, though today it finally dropped suddenly to a mere 4 out of 15 things to do this month *standing ovation.

This sort of relief I've not felt in at least a few months. I must bask in it for a bit......................................

Okay, too much basking. Getting sunburn now.

I guess it's not much of a blog entry. I was just excited to have gotten so much done this week and particularly today. I feel my body oozing into jelly. *smiles all over.

The Countdown