Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A Leap of Faith: Load of Relief

            After just shy of a full year of employment in the residential care field, I have to admit I am all to elated to, as of Monday, November 17th, be relieved of my duties- by choice of course- as a residential specialist. Many are aware of the challenges and stress this particular position has caused, but I also have to admit that I’ve learned quite a lot as a result of this experience. (I’ll relay the lessons later; for now, I’m basking in the freedom I’ve been craving for the past year.)
            I’ve nothing lined up job wise now that I’ve resigned, but nonetheless I feel a magnificent peace about leaving. For some time the idea of leaving has disturbed me and has been a major source of internal conflict particularly this past month, but after receiving multiple recommendations, mainly the strongest urging from my dear husband, which I would take as confirmations to prayer, I feel no guilt which was initially the issue about quitting in the first place. I trust the Lord to provide financially regardless of my unemployment, and look forward to the next adventure in store. (Yes, I’d say this most recent job has indeed been an adventure, no matter how difficult it proved to be most days.)
            It’s been such a long time since I’ve felt this sort of relief. I look forward to being able to spend time with friends and family, focus better on school, improve in my physical health, and actually be able to sleep during the night. Ah, sleep.