Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Just a Little Bump

Hi all!

As previously posted, I've made a new blog. After thinking about it, I realize that between my last post on my previous blog and making this one, it's been a while. In fact, I believe it to be a couple of months.

A lot has happened in that time, you know:
I'm back in Missouri now after having interned in Alaska all summer; I've begun a new semester as a Junior at Evangel University (CBC consolidated with EU thus those of us who didn't transfer elsewhere from CBC are now there); My major was changed to studying Literature and Writing since Evangel doesn't offer Deaf Ministries; I work four hours a week as a housecleaner until I begin a new job in November (gotta be 21 for that). I feel as though there should be other things to list since I find myself so busy, but perhaps not and that's okay.

Lately, and more specifically, since I've started school, I've been frequently sick. I word it as such instead of "chronically ill" deliberately to avoid sounding like I'm dying.... which I'm not. I began as a little nausea occasionally after I eat. Said nausea became more frequent which then partnered with migraines. I never knew when they'd hit: middle of the night, during class, upon waking up in the morning. This then led to body aches. "Ache" is the best I know how to describe it to the person who has never felt what I feel when it happens. Perhaps "cramp" could be used as well. Both aches and cramps would happen all over my body and it would become difficult to walk or even move in general.

Recently, as in this past week, I woke up Tuesday morning (October 1) with a headache. Since it wasn't a migraine like normal, I ignored it and carried on with my day. Throughout the day the headache would come and go and I figured I could tough it out until later that evening I become horribly nauseous and my headache rampaged into a migraine. My body began to hurt, my fingers began tingling and closed into a fist which I couldn't open. As my boyfriend drove me home I fainted at one point and woke up when we arrived at Mom's. It was difficult to stay awake and I couldn't make sense of anything. That night I lay in bed unable to move and awoke the next morning still hardly able to move. But that's okay because my God is bigger.

Though slowly improving, I'm still at home unable to walk steadily. I think the most frustrating part of it all has been having to rely on people to walk, to reach or retrieve things, and at one point, even to grasp things. I see the weight my condition puts on those assisting me which makes it harder to rest in order to recover. I try to at least make up school work to the best of my ability, but find it nearly impossible sometimes to concentrate (even writing this entry has now taken me close to two hours when normally it may take 30 minutes max). But I'll be okay because my God is bigger.

So what's wrong with me exactly? It's been discovered that I have a hyper-sensitivity to MSG (monosodium glutamate) which it in nearly everything and is often labeled as something other than the dreaded taste bud teaser common name. Also, my doctor tells me my body pains are actually body migraines. I never knew before that such a thing existed. As well, a lot of the pain could be caused from an accident this summer in which I was side swiped by a vehicle while walking-definitely a bump in the road. Nevermind. My God is bigger; He can heal anything- and will.

While it's frustrating and hard to function sometimes, I know this is only a little bump in the road to recovery. We all hit little bumps. And while sometimes they feel more like potholes, it's nothing our God can't handle because He is bigger.

I think this post needs some happy pictures:

Saturday market; Anchorage, Alaska
Solo hike, Little Beaver Camp; Wasilla, Alaska

Beluga Point; Anchorage, Alaska

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